15 Kislev 5781 Monday


December 1, 2020 


Psalm 51
(0) For the leader. A psalm of David, 

2 when Natan the prophet came to him after his affair with Bat-Sheva:
3 (1) God, in your grace, have mercy on me; in your great compassion, blot out my crimes.
4 (2) Wash me completely from my guilt, and cleanse me from my sin.
5 (3) For I know my crimes, my sin confronts me all the time.
6 (4) Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil from your perspective;
so that you are right in accusing me and justified in passing sentence.
7 (5) True, I was born guilty, was a sinner from the moment my mother conceived me.
8 (6) Still, you want truth in the inner person; so make me know wisdom in my inmost heart.
9 (7) Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
10 (8) Let me hear the sound of joy and gladness, so that the bones you crushed can rejoice.
11 (9) Turn away your face from my sins, and blot out all my crimes.
12 (10) Create in me a clean heart, God; renew in me a resolute spirit.
13 (11) Don’t thrust me away from your presence, don’t take your Ruach Kodesh away from me.
14 (12) Restore my joy in your salvation, and let a willing spirit uphold me.
15 (13) Then I will teach the wicked your ways, and sinners will return to you.
16 (14) Rescue me from the guilt of shedding blood, God, God of my salvation!
Then my tongue will sing about your righteousness —
17 (15) Adonai, open my lips; then my mouth will praise you.
18 (16) For you don’t want sacrifices, or I would give them; you don’t take pleasure in burnt offerings.
19 (17) My sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; God, you won’t spurn a broken, chastened heart.
20 (18) In your good pleasure, make Tziyon prosper; rebuild the walls of Yerushalayim.
21 (19) Then you will delight in righteous sacrifices, in burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings; then they will offer bulls on your altar. 

Abba Yakar! Blessed are YOU my GOD and King of the Universe!!! My Everlasting! Toda Raba for what YOU have done for me yesterday. You have brought me into Mandaue House of Prayer to restore relationships that the devil had broken. I pray now for YOUR blood to cover and protect me from people who can be used by the enemy to harm me. Do not allow them to hurt me, block off all the jezebels who are threatened by me and grant me a double portion of all that YOUR enemies had taken from me - joy, peace, honor, love, belongingness,and the fulfillment of  YOUR Promises. I receive the Inheritance that YOU had been wanting to bestow upon me, I ask for it ABBA, and I receive it in YESHUA, Amen! 

Genesis 32:31-33:5

(iii) 31 (30) Ya‘akov called the place P’ni-El [face of God], “Because I have seen God face to face, yet my life is spared.” 32 (31) As the sun rose upon him he went on past P’ni-El, limping at the hip. 33 (32) This is why, to this day, the people of Isra’el do not eat the thigh muscle that passes along the hip socket — because the man struck Ya‘akov’s hip at its socket.

Genesis 33 

1 Ya‘akov raised his eyes and looked out; and there was ‘Esav coming, and four hundred men with him. So Ya‘akov divided the children between Le’ah, Rachel and the two slave-girls, 2 putting the slave-girls and their children first, Le’ah and her children second, and Rachel and Yosef last. 3 Then he himself passed on ahead of them and prostrated himself on the ground seven times before approaching his brother. 4 ‘Esav ran to meet him, hugged him, threw his arms around his neck and kissed him; and they wept. 5 Esav looked up; on seeing the women and children, he asked, “Who are these with you?” Ya‘akov answered, “The children God has graciously given to your servant.”

Abba Yakar, toda raba, something like this really happened yesterday, who was I? Maybe Yakov because I came back to a house to reconcile and to continue what they have done in warning other people who will be deceived by a wolf that has gone out of that house. It was by faith in believing that YOU wanted me to go back to Mandaue House of Prayer last night to celebrate YOU but I also understood YOU wanted me to reconcile. Adonai, I already feel fat, I wish I can go back to a smaller figure even though it's not thru fasting. Help me to discipline myself with eating, I should be already disciplined because YOU have taught me to fast. And I don't want to accept my body size just because it makes others not feel bad about their size. Father, I don't need to be accepted by others if it means rejection by YOU. I can continue to be rejected by others, O GOD, so that YOU will always be pleased with me. It's been like this anyway in my own house but LORD YOU said in YOUR Word that people that gain favor from YOU will also gain favor from the eyes of people. But YOU are jealous for my heart and YOU alone have it O GOD. I belong to no one else but YOU. So Father, redeem me, vindicate my cause and why YOU allowed me to go through what I went through, let there be closure in my life where YOU will reward me with YOUR Promises because I have not served other gods but YOU, I have not loved anything else more than YOU. I have been waiting for YOU to return to me like YOU would to all YOUR bride on earth. But I ask YOU, make me victorious and more than a conqueror in this evil world like YESHUA promised to every believing child of YOURS.

Zechariah 10
1 Ask Adonai for rain in the spring, Adonai who makes the rain clouds;
and he will give them showers of rain, grass in the field to each one.
3 “My anger burns against the shepherds, and I will vent it on the leaders of the flock.”
For Adonai-Tzva’ot will care for his flock, the people of Y’hudah;
he will make them like his royal war-horse.
4 From them come cornerstone and tent peg, from them the bow for battle,
from them all the rulers together.
6 “I will strengthen the house of Y’hudah and save the house of Yosef.
I will bring them back in my compassion for them; they will be as if I hadn’t driven them out; for I am Adonai their God, and I will answer them.

7 Efrayim’s men will be like warriors; their hearts will be cheered as if from wine.
Their children will see it and rejoice, their hearts will be glad in Adonai.
12 But I will strengthen [Isra’el] in Adonai; they will travel here and there in his name,”
says Adonai.

Dear Abba, Toda for YOUR Promises today to bring me back because of YOUR compassion, for answering me, to strengthen me in Adonai O GOD, that I will travel here and there in YOUR Name! Yes it is my dream to travel, to work for YOUR cause, but what responsibility is expected of me? Am I afraid of responsibility? What trouble awaits the blessings that come with it? But YOU said Abba, that YOUR blessings make YOUR people rich without trouble. So bless my husband, me and our families Abba, make us rich without trouble! So we can live for YOU! Why do I worry? About people whose weak hearts can easily be snatched and deceived by the enemy? Father, I lift up all my worries to YOU, because it's not YOUR will. O GOD Almighty have mercy on me. Carry me, I feel faint O GOD. I cannot even walk because my strength fails me. I cannot do anything without YOU O GOD, so help me FATHER to live for YOU. Help me Abba, to be in a good weight where my energy is at full force and I am not feeling tired. Have mercy on me O GOD for I can hear YOU say, Do not let YOUR heart be troubled My Darling, I am taking care of YOU. So carry me for I am faint, fill me with YOUR Ruach Hakodesh and let me live a victorious life for YOU my GOD and King! I think my many dreams at night make me tired, please help me to live in peace. It is not YOUR will that I be disturbed about certain things but it is YOUR will for me to lift up all things to YOU, to pray and thank YOU.

Matthew 14

23 After he had sent the crowds away, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. Night came on, and he was there alone. 24 But by this time, the boat was several miles from shore, battling a rough sea and a headwind. 25 Around four o’clock in the morning, he came toward them, walking on the lake! 26 When the talmidim saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost!” they said and screamed with fear. 27 But at once Yeshua spoke to them. “Courage,” he said, “it is I. Stop being afraid.” 28 Then Kefa called to him, “Lord, if it is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come!” he said. So Kefa got out of the boat and walked on the water toward Yeshua. 30 But when he saw the wind, he became afraid; and as he began to sink, he yelled, “Lord! Save me!” 31 Yeshua immediately stretched out his hand, took hold of him, and said to him, “Such little trust! Why did you doubt?” 32 As they went up into the boat, the wind ceased. 33 The men in the boat fell down before him and exclaimed, “You really are God’s son!”

Dear Abba, Save me from all the storms of my life. Catch me. Enable me to pray at night like YESHUA, so that the enemy cannot harm me anymore in my sleep or my mind be working so hard so that I do not enjoy my rest at night. Please Abba, save me, catch me. Father, today I will do what YOU have put in my heart to do. I had been thinking of 22,000 to send to Pastor Eugene yesterday but when I woke up this morning why did my mind decide 12,000 instead? Which one is from YOU O GOD? Please Abba align my mind, my heart, my thoughts to YOUR will Father. Align my entire being to YOUR will. I hold my thoughts captive under YOUR rulership O Adonai YESHUA, LORD over all my thoughts and my feelings, my heart, YOU rule over it and drive it according to YOUR pleasure. Please Father, I have many activities for the day. Transfer funds to Pastor Eugene, so that he can minister to Joenette. Please grant this mission success to set free a captive enslaved for more than 22 years. Please Father, protect my family and Pastors family so that we will not be harmed by the enemy who has held her captive. Send YOUR many angels to YOUR children. Abba, toda for the deliverance and healing of Joenette, David, Shanyn, Shameine and Ivy. Toda for YOUR plan is to bring salvation to all YOUR children and set us free from the powers of darkness. Toda for the salvation, deiverance and healing of the Rotbart Family, Zvika, Moshe, Miriam, Joshua and Moran, Jonathan and wife, the Hattab family in London, the Uy family of Uncle James, Bebe, Godwill and Hanz. Toda for the salvation of the families of Shanyn, Shameine, teacher Sheila, Ivy, Atty Shereil Vinas and her family, Saar Kara and his family, Raquel, Rosel and Grace. For the humility and molding of the heart of Ciriaca, James, Letty, Leni, Rose, Jun, Noli, Elsie, Elvie and all the workers in our Company - Felix and Gerry, O GOD I thank YOU for bringing them closer to YOUR throne. Thank YOU Abba for healing Dad and Mom, their marriage, my brother David, sister Charsie and even me. Thank YOU for raising up Dean, Denesse, Grace and Deric, to take over the family business. Toda for the good health of my parents. Toda for everything they are doing for YOU, toda for everyones safety O GOD. Toda for my husband he is coming to me, and together we will work for YOUR kingdom for chosing him for me, for preparing us for one another. Toda my husband is here already and he will propose to me soon. Toda for YOUR promises are yes and amen! Toda for a beautiful wedding YOU have prepared for my husband and I celebrated by intimate few who truly loves me and him and believes in us. Toda Adonai, I pray all is well with my soul. Toda that today sis Charmaine and I will do a video about YOUR snatching away or taking away. Please Abba, be with us and whatever we do it is for YOU. Please Abba, protect Sis Ruth from Pastor Art and safely remove him from her life. Toda Abba YOU are rescuing us all the time. Please Abba, fill me with YOUR Ruach and joy, peace and love. Fill me and Zvika with YOUR Ruach, our families too O GOD.

Ba HaShem YESHUA, HaMashiach, Amen!



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