16 Tevet 5781, Thursday

31 December 2020

Psalm 81

(0) For the Leader. On the gittit. By Asaf:
2 (1) Sing for joy to God our strength! Shout to the God of Ya‘akov!
3 (2) Start the music! Beat the drum! Play the sweet lyre and the lute!
4 (3) Sound the shofar at Rosh-Hodesh and at full moon for the pilgrim feast,
5 (4) because this is a law for Isra’el, a ruling of the God of Ya‘akov.
6 (5) He placed it as a testimony in Y’hosef when he went out against the land of Egypt.
I heard an unfamiliar voice say,
7 (6) “I lifted the load from his shoulder; his hands were freed from the [laborer’s] basket.
8 (7) You called out when you were in trouble, and I rescued you;
I answered you from the thundercloud; I tested you at the M’rivah Spring [by saying,] (Selah)

9 (8) “‘Hear, my people, while I give you warning! Isra’el, if you would only listen to me!
10 (9) There is not to be with you any foreign god; you are not to worship an alien god.

11 (10) I am Adonai your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt.
Open your mouth, and I will fill it.’

12 (11) “But my people did not listen to my voice; Isra’el would have none of me.
13 (12) So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts, to live by their own plans.
14 (13) How I wish my people would listen to me, that Isra’el would live by my ways!
15 (14) I would quickly subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes.

16 (15) Those who hate Adonai would cringe before him, while [Isra’el’s] time would last forever.
17 (16) They would be fed with the finest wheat, and I would satisfy you with honey from the rocks.”

Dear Avi, 

Wow! Glory to YOU O GOD Almighty! HOLY HOLY HOLY are YOU my GOD and KING! I see here YOU have spoken to me the desire of YOUR heart for the poor for those that do not listen to YOU, like Grace Rallos, why she has bothered me today now I see and understand. Because she is like one who would not listen to YOU if only she would, YOU would quickly subdue her enemies and would be fed with the finest wheat just as YOU satisfy us with honey from the rocks. Avi, give them a chance to repent I pray. Toda for speaking to me these wonderful revelations in YOUR kingdom. Wow! I pray I will always receive from YOU, so I live my life opening my mouth before YOU so I will always be fed by YOU, receive from YOU the best in the land. Toda for my husband whom YOU are touching, speaking to, and revealing YOUR will to, who is asking YOU for his wife and praying for me his wife. Reveal YOUR will to us O GOD, this is my season, cause him to act so that we can start our lives together. I am ready Avi, and I lay down all my biases and wrong thinking to YOU, I surrender Avi, always and forever I surrender to YOU.

Ba HaShem YESHUA HaMashiach, Amen!

Genesis 49:19-26

22 “Yosef is a fruitful plant, a fruitful plant by a spring,
with branches climbing over the wall.
23 The archers attacked him fiercely, shooting at him and pressing him hard;
24 but his bow remained taut; and his arms were made nimble
by the hands of the Mighty One of Ya‘akov,
from there, from the Shepherd, the Stone of Isra’el,
25 by the God of your father, who will help you, by El Shaddai, who will bless you
with blessings from heaven above, blessings from the deep, lying below,
blessings from the breasts and the womb.

26 The blessings of your father are more powerful than the blessings of my parents,
extending to the farthest of the everlasting hills; they will be on the head of Yosef,
on the brow of the prince among his brothers.


Joshua 10

6 The people of Giv‘on sent a message to Y’hoshua at their camp in Gilgal that said, “Don’t ignore your servants! Come up to us quickly, and save us! Help us, because all the kings of the Emori living in the hills have gotten together to fight us.” 7 Y’hoshua went up from Gilgal, he and all the fighting men with him, including all the bravest ones. 8 Adonai said to Y’hoshua, “Don’t be afraid of them, for I have handed them over to you; not one of their men will stand against you.”
9 Having spent the entire night marching up from Gilgal, Y’hoshua fell upon them, taking them by surprise. 10 Adonai threw them into confusion before Isra’el and defeated them in a great slaughter at Giv‘on, pursuing them along the road that goes up from Beit-Horon, and beating them back to ‘Azekah and all the way to Makkedah. 11 As they fled before Isra’el down the road to Beit-Horon, Adonai threw huge hailstones down on them all the way to ‘Azekah, and they died; more died because of the hail than because Isra’el had killed them with the sword.
12 Then, on the day Adonai handed over the Emori to the people of Isra’el, Y’hoshua spoke to Adona i; in the sight of Isra’el he said,
“Sun, stand motionless over Giv‘on! Moon, you too, over Ayalon Valley!”
13 So the sun stood still and the moon stayed put, till Isra’el took vengeance on their enemies.
This is written in the book of Yashar. The sun stood still in the sky and was in no rush to set for nearly a whole day. 14 There has never been a day like that before or since, when Adonai listened to the voice of a man; it happened because Adonai was fighting on Isra’el’s behalf.

25 Y’hoshua said to them, “Don’t be afraid or confused, but be strong and bold, because this is what Adonai will do to all your enemies that you fight against.” 26 With that, Y’hoshua struck them and put them to death, hanging them on five trees, where they remained hanging until evening.

Avi Yakar,

How wonderful and great YOU are!!! Blessed are YOU Adonai Elohim King of the Universe! My Everlasting! Toda Raba for YOUR WORD To me today. Because last night I have been attacked in my spirit even as I slept, because we prayed for Lara the daughter of Fatima last night to be set free. Toda for hearing our prayers. But I pray YOU cover us with the blood of YESHUA so that No weapon formed against us will prosper, protect us Avi from the attacks of the enemy. Also YOUR enemy is disturbing my mind, regarding Grace Rallos, but I pray for her Avi, that YOU will humble her and cause her to think about me with gratefulness because I was kind to her, but also honest. I pray she will see my sincerity, I pray she will see YOUR light and I pray YOU will not allow the jezebel spirit to rule over her and her family. Take that spirit down Avi, I pray that YOU will deliver her family from jezebel. Oh Avi, humble her and cause her to be grateful, I pray the same for Ciriaca, I pray for all these women working for us to be submissive to YOUR will and be respectful and honoring to their husbands especially Mom. It's so hard to be in this world Avi, so much trouble, so much battles and wars in the Spirit. I cannot fight alone anymore. I need my husband, whoever he is YOU have chosen please Avi, if it's Anthony then let him communicate with me now... I can't do this alone. I am tired. Toda for hearing me, toda that YOU always hear me and for the confirmation and comfort YOU have given me as a warrior through the story of Joshua. How YOU will fight for me like Joshua, how the sun and moon will stand still at my plea. I pray Avi, I will always find favor in YOUR eyes and help me to be patient Adonai, subdue my flesh and all the flesh of my family that the enemy can use against us. It's so hard Avi, in this world, please strengthen us. Please speak to my Dad the important role he plays as our priest in the home, please Avi, help him to understand and do his role. Toda for the good health we all enjoy in the family, continue to help us Adonai. Continue to look on us with mercy.

Daniel 6

19 (18) Then the king returned to his palace. He spent the night fasting and refusing to be entertained, as sleep eluded him. 20 (19) Early in the morning, the king got up and hurried to the lion pit. 21 (20) On approaching the pit where Dani’el was, the king cried in a pained voice to Dani’el, “Dani’el, servant of the living God! Has your God, whom you are always serving, been able to save you from the lions?” 22 (21) Then Dani’el answered the king, “May the king live forever! 23 (22) My God sent his angel to shut the lions’ mouths, so they haven’t hurt me. This is because before him I was found innocent; and also I have done no harm to you, your majesty.” 24 (23) The king was overjoyed and ordered Dani’el taken up from the pit. So Dani’el was taken up from the pit, and he was found to be completely unharmed, because he had trusted in his God.
25 (24) Then the king gave an order, and they brought those men who had accused Dani’el, and they threw them into the lion pit — them, their children and their wives — and before they even reached the bottom of the pit, the lions had them in their control and broke all their bones to pieces.
26 (25) King Daryavesh wrote all the peoples, nations and languages living anywhere on earth:
“Shalom rav! [Abundant peace!]
27 (26) “I herewith issue a decree that everywhere in my kingdom, people are to tremble and be in awe of the God of Dani’el.

“For he is the living God; he endures forever.
His kingdom will never be destroyed; his rulership will last till the end.
28 (27) He saves, rescues, does signs and wonders both in heaven and on earth.
He delivered Dani’el from the power of the lions.”

29 (28) So this Dani’el prospered during the reign of Daryavesh, and also during the reign of Koresh the Persian.

Avi Yakar,

Blessed are YOU my GOD my King!!! YOU are so wonderful that YOU shut the mouths of lions to rescue YOUR beloved Daniel because people had accused him of wrong doing. Avi, shut the mouths of the evil lions that are using people to harm me and my family. Do not allow them to harm us in anyway because YOU are our GOD. I pray that every witchcraft that is being operated to harm us will be defeated without a fight because YOU O LORD our GOD is mighty before us and YOU surround us with YOUR favor like a shield. May the people trying to harm us, bow before YOU the GOD that we serve, and all those whose hearts are not right be removed from our presence and may YOU correct them even while they are no longer with us. Help them to acknowledge YOU O LORD our GOD, do not let them remain hard hearted because they will die in their sins. Forgive them Avi for they are being manipulated by the enemy but I pray YOU will open their hearts and eyes to see YOUR light. Oh have mercy Avi. Have Mercy! I see the light breaking through the dawn. I see YOUR hand let our enemies see YOUR hand and YOUR angels. Let them see how much YOU have loved us because we worship YOU the true and living GOD and let them worship YOU, let Grace Rallos and her family worship YOU. Save their entire family in YESHUA and break down all the idolatry in their family, break down everything that is not of YOU. O Adonai, defeat YOUR enemies I pray.

Ba HaShem YESHUA HaMashiach, Amen!


Mark 12

24 Yeshua said to them, “Isn’t this the reason that you go astray? because you are ignorant both of the Tanakh and of the power of God? 25 For when people rise from the dead, neither men nor women marry — they are like angels in heaven. 26 And as for the dead being raised, haven’t you read in the book of Moshe, in the passage about the bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Avraham, the God of Yitz’chak and the God of Ya‘akov’?[c] 27 He is God not of the dead, but of the living! You are going far astray!”
28 One of the Torah-teachers came up and heard them engaged in this discussion. Seeing that Yeshua answered them well, he asked him, “Which is the most important mitzvah of them all?” 29 Yeshua answered, “The most important is,
‘Sh’ma Yisra’el, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad [Hear, O Isra’el, the Lord our God, the Lord is one], 30 and you are to love Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your understanding and with all your strength.’[d]
31 The second is this:
‘You are to love your neighbor as yourself.’[e]
There is no other mitzvah greater than these.” 32 The Torah-teacher said to him, “Well said, Rabbi; you speak the truth when you say that he is one, and that there is no other besides him; 33 and that loving him with all one’s heart, understanding and strength, and loving one’s neighbor as oneself, mean more than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices.” 34 When Yeshua saw that he responded sensibly, he said to him, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” And after that, no one dared put to him another sh’eilah.
35 As Yeshua was teaching in the Temple, he asked, “How is it that the Torah-teachers say the Messiah is the Son of David? 36 David himself, inspired by the Ruach HaKodesh, said,
‘Adonai said to my Lord,
“Sit here at my right hand
until I put your enemies under your feet.” ’[f]
37 David himself calls him ‘Lord’; so how is he his son?”
The great crowd listened eagerly to him. 38 As he taught them, he said, “Watch out for the kind of Torah-teachers who like to walk around in robes and be greeted deferentially in the marketplaces, 39 who like to have the best seats in the synagogues and take the places of honor at banquets, 40 who like to swallow up widows’ houses while making a show of davvening at great length. Their punishment will be all the worse!”
41 Then Yeshua sat down opposite the Temple treasury and watched the crowd as they put money into the offering-boxes. Many rich people put in large sums, 42 but a poor widow came and put in two small coins. 43 He called his talmidim to him and said to them, “Yes! I tell you, this poor widow has put more in the offering-box than all the others making donations. 44 For all of them, out of their wealth, have contributed money they can easily spare; but she, out of her poverty, has given everything she had to live on.”

Dear Avi,

Glory and Honor and Power belongs to YOU Alone O GOD King of my heart!!! Avi, toda for teaching me... how simple the words of Anthony are to me, but they are YOUR Words and it has some effect on me coming from him. First of all, Anthony gave me Philippians 4:6 on the 18th of December because I was complaining to him about waiting on YOU. But the word he gave me was effective on other things. It's effective on how bothered I was with Grace Rallos this morning when I awoke and now I have peace about her, toda that YOU will take care of her and her family and cause her to surrender to YOU. Toda O GOD. But I pray really Avi, if Anthony is the One for me, let him communicate with me today. I am having a hard time, and I really want to be friends with him already. I need a relationship with another human that I became desperate I signed up with online dating last night. Really because I felt that I was left with no choice but to keep following what my parents especially my Mom. Avi, please help mom to release me, please Avi, help me to release me to YOUR perfect will. Not to the one that will give her an upper hand over my life. YOU are in control of me Avi, not her. Please Avi have mercy on me, look on me with mercy and grant me YOUR favor. I receive Anthony because this is the man that YOU want but reveal to me why YOU told me that my husband is a man born of zion but right now I don't see that he is. Let me see the truth Avi, so bring us together please. I have been waiting for a long time. Please Avi, reveal YOUR will to me comfort me and enable me to trust YOU. Enable me. And Avi, remember my prayer request to YOU everyday, all the salvation of the people I always bring to YOU, all the deliverance and healing of people like my family and people that I know... Remember them. And I say them again. 

Toda Raba Avi how YOU hear every WORD I have spoken and unspoken words in my heart and mind. YOU are so faithful Abba.

Ba HaShem YESHUA HaMashiach, Amen! 



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