15 Adar 5781, Shabbat: Tetzaveh (You are to order)

27 February 2021

Shabbat Tetzaveh: You are to Order them to

Philippians 4:4-8 #404

Psalm 119: 49
ז (Zayin)
49 Remember your promise to your servant, through which you have given me hope.
50 In my distress my comfort is this: that your promise gives me life.

51 Though the arrogant scorn me completely, I have not turned away from your Torah.
52 Adonai, I keep in mind your age-old rulings; in them I take comfort.
53 Fury seizes me when I think of the wicked, because they abandon your Torah.
54 Your laws have become my songs wherever I make my home.
55 I remember your name, Adonai, at night; and I observe your Torah.
56 This [comfort] has come to me, because I observe your precepts.

Exodus 30:1-10

(vii) “You are to make an altar on which to burn incense; make it of acacia-wood. 2 It is to be eighteen inches square and three feet high; its horns are to be of one piece with it. 3 Overlay it with pure gold — its top, all around its sides, and its horns; and put around it a molding of gold. 4 Make two gold rings for it under its molding at the two corners on both sides; this is where the carrying-poles will go. 5 Make the poles of acacia-wood, and overlay them with gold.
6 “Place it in front of the curtain by the ark for the testimony, in front of the ark-cover that is over the testimony, where I will meet with you. 7 Aharon will burn fragrant incense on it as a pleasing aroma every morning; he is to burn it when he prepares the lamps. (Maftir) 8 Aharon is also to burn it when he lights the lamps at dusk; this is the regular burning of incense before Adonai through all your generations. 9 You are not to offer unauthorized incense on it, or a burnt offering or a grain offering; and you are not to pour a drink offering on it. 10 Aharon is to make atonement on its horns once a year — with the blood of the sin offering of atonement he is to make atonement for it once a year through all your generations; it is especially holy to Adonai.”

Haftarah Tetzaveh: Yechezk’el (Ezekiel) 43:10–27

10 “You, human being, describe this house to the house of Isra’el, so that they will be ashamed of their crimes. And let them measure accurately. 11 If they become ashamed of all they have done, show them the elevation and plan of the house, its exits and entrances, all its details and decorations, and all its specifications, its design and its Torah. Sketch it for them to see, so that they can observe the entire design with its specifications, and carry them out. 12 This is Torah for the house: the whole surrounding area on the mountaintop will be especially holy. This is Torah for the house.”
13 These are the measurements of the altar in cubits (a cubit here is defined as a normal cubit [eighteen inches] plus a handbreadth [three inches]): the base, one cubit [twenty-one inches] deep and one cubit wide; with the molding surrounding it at its rim about a hand-span [nine inches] in width. The height of the altar is thus: 14 from the base on the ground to the lower ledge, three-and-a-half feet, with the width twenty-one inches; from the lower ledge to the upper ledge, seven feet, with the width again twenty-one inches. 15 The hearth measures seven feet [high], with four horns on top of the hearth. 16 The hearth is a square twenty-one feet on each of its four sides. 17 The ledge measures a square twenty-four-and-a-half feet on each of its four sides; the molding around it ten-and-a-half inches [across]; and its base twenty-one inches [larger than the rest, all the way] around. Its steps face east.
18 He said to me, “Human being, Adonai Elohim says, ‘These are the regulations for the altar when the time comes to construct it, offer burnt offerings on it and splash the blood against it: 19 you are to give to the cohanim, who are L’vi’im descended from Tzadok and who approach to serve me,’ says Adonai Elohim, ‘a young bull as a sin offering. 20 You are to take its blood and put it on the four horns of the altar, on the four corners of the ledge and on the molding all the way around; this is how you will purify it and make atonement for it. 21 You are also to take the bull which is the sin offering and have it burned up at the designated place [on the grounds] of the house, outside the sanctuary. 22 On the second day you are to offer a male goat without defect as a sin offering, and they are to purify the altar as they purified it with the bull. 23 When you have finished purifying it, you are to offer a young bull without defect and a ram from the flock without defect. 24 You are to present them before Adonai, and the cohanim will throw salt on them and offer them as a burnt offering to Adonai. 25 Every day, for seven days, you are to prepare a goat as a sin offering; they are also to prepare a young bull and a ram from the flock without defect. 26 For seven days, they are to make atonement for the altar and cleanse it; in this way they are to consecrate it. 27 When these days are over, then, on the eighth day and afterwards, the cohanim will present your burnt offerings on the altar and your peace offerings; and I will accept you,’ says Adonai Elohim.”

B’rit Hadashah suggested reading for Parashah Tetzaveh: Philippians 4:10–20

4 Rejoice in union with the Lord always! I will say it again: rejoice! 5 Let everyone see how reasonable and gentle you are. The Lord is near! 6 Don’t worry about anything; on the contrary, make your requests known to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. 7 Then God’s shalom, passing all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with the Messiah Yeshua. 8 In conclusion, brothers, focus your thoughts on what is true, noble, righteous, pure, lovable or admirable, on some virtue or on something praiseworthy. 9 Keep doing what you have learned and received from me, what you have heard and seen me doing; then the God who gives shalom will be with you.
10 In union with the Lord I greatly rejoice that now, after this long time, you have let your concern for me express itself again. Of course, you were concerned for me all along, but you had no opportunity to express it. 11 Not that I am saying this to call attention to any need of mine; since, as far as I am concerned, I have learned to be content regardless of circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in want, and I know what it is to have more than enough — in everything and in every way I have learned the secret of being full and being hungry, of having abundance and being in need. 13 I can do all things through him who gives me power.
14 Nevertheless, it was good of you to share in my trouble. 15 And you Philippians yourselves know that in the early days of my work spreading the Good News, when I left Macedonia, not a single congregation shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving — only you. 16 Indeed, in Thessalonica when I needed it, you sent me aid twice. 17 I am not seeking the gift; rather, I am looking for what will increase the credit balance of your account. 18 I have been more than paid in full: I have been filled, since I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent — they are a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, one that pleases God well. 19 Moreover, my God will fill every need of yours according to his glorious wealth, in union with the Messiah Yeshua. 20 And to God our Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
21 Greet each of God’s people in the Messiah Yeshua. The brothers with me send their greetings to you. 22 All God’s people send greetings, but especially those in the Emperor’s household.
23 The grace of the Lord Yeshua the Messiah be with your spirit.

Dear Avi,

HOLY HOLY HOLY are YOU Adonai Elohim Tzeva'ot!!! King of the Universe! My Everlasting! I need YOU Avi, I need YOU so much... I love YOU Avi, YOU are the ONE who fills my deepest hole, fill me UP Avi, I seek YOU. Forgive me for all my wrongs, short comings, mistakes. Avi, I need YOU. O GOD Almighty truly the words of Psalm 119 is what's in my heart 49 Remember your promise to your servant, through which you have given me hope. 50 In my distress my comfort is this: that your promise gives me life. Remember me Adonai, remember YOUR WORD to me, enable me to do what YOU have commanded me to do because I cannot do it on my own strength. It is YOUR Spirit that enables and empowers me. I am depending on YOUR Ruach Hakodesh completely for I am nothing on my own.  

Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in union with the Lord always! I will say it again: rejoice! 5 Let everyone see how reasonable and gentle you are. The Lord is near! 6 Don’t worry about anything; on the contrary, make your requests known to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. 7 Then God’s shalom, passing all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with the Messiah Yeshua.

Enable me Avi to rejoice in YOU My GOD and KING! Please enable me so that everyone will see how reasonable and gentle I am for YOU are near O GOD! YOU are near! Enable me to rejoice and not worry and pray for everything that concerns me because it is YOU alone who perfects everything concerning me. O Toda Raba for YOUR deep love for me, YOU love me so much, care for me and protect me. Let me see YOU and YOUR love for me Avi. No person can fill my greatest need only YOU. And so I don't want to be disappointed. I don't want to be sad because people don't live up to my expectations, don't let me expect anything. Don't let me expect, let me expect only from YOU. Let me draw my greatest love only from YOU. Let my hope and joy be found only in YOU and nothing in this world, not my family, not even blessings or things, not in a husband but only in YOU. Father, I cannot survive this world because of my fragile heart, so strengthen me with YOUR glory wrapped around me. Make me new once again. 

Father I pray blessings, favor, honor, love and YOUR power be upon everyone I love especially for the birthday celebrants today Pastor Cez and Gaw Arlene whom YOU have used greatly in my life and I pray that YOU give to them the desires of their hearts, success and joy, peace. O GOD bless them and let their families come to YOU in full surrender to YOU so that they can rejoice in YOUR power and works in their lives. Father, do not forget my own family, and all that I pray for, everyone's salvation that I pray for. Salvation in YESHUA for the Rotbarts, Shtark, Azaria, Glick, Hattab family in Israel and US. Salvation in YESHUA for Uncle James Uy and his family - Aunt Bebe, Godwill, Hanz and their household in Mandaue. Father, I pray for the true salvation of Atty Sheiryl and her family, Raquel and her family, Karin and her family, Zenaido Sanchez and his family, Elesar Ramil and his family, Loreto, Mai Flores and their families, Ivy Manzano's family. I pray O GOD for their salvation in YESHUA and for all our workers, suppliers, customers and their families Ba HaShem YESHUA HaMashiach! I pray for deliverance and healing upon David Michael my brother, Lara Villa, Reynaldo Egido, Shanyn Gacusan and her family all those that are deceived by the evil one. Father deliver us all. Let there be a breakthrough even for Shameine Rubio, for Sister Char from Cancer, Celestial and Ciriaca from pride and lies of the enemy. I pray deliver me and my family, my future husband and his family from pride and self importance. Give us humulity O GOD, keep our hearts humble before YOU. I pray the same for BF Julie Rose and all our Bible Study teachers, if open words are from YOU Avi, then show me, but if it's not, then show them because something is making me doubt their teachings. So please Avi, show us the TRUTH and enable all the teachers and students to walk in the truth.

I pray for healing upon the marriages and individual lives of Dad and Mom, Reynaldo and Arlene, Pastor Cez and Mary Grace dela Pena, the parents of Shanyn Gacusan. Everyone's marriage around me will be restored because I am praying and trusting YOU with it. I am praying for my own marriage that YOU have promised me. Let it be done O GOD in YESHUA, be it unto me according to YOUR Promises. I keep trusting in YOU. Prepare me and my husband for this huge change and enable us to adjust quickly and smoothly because YOU are living through us not us. It is YOU and YOUR doing. O GOD, toda for the people helping us comply with BIR papers. Please bless those who are helping us in Liwayway Marketing Corp, please give him strength and joy helping us. Even Uncle Jr, please bless him and his family and the ministry of JESUS REIGNS. Please bless Atty Sheiryl, Raquel and Ciriaca for helping us with this problem. I pray that YOU will do far more than what we have asked, in the BIR 2017 Assessment. I pray that YOU will move in the hearts of Renan and Ruby O GOD Almighty. Enable us to forgive those that have wronged us O GOD so that we may also be forgiven of our wrongs O GOD. Teach Mom to be diligent with this business work. Help me also to do everything I can O GOD in the business because I honestly just want to leave everything but I pray that I will be strong enough to deal with every problem. Help me GOD, to deal with everything inspite of a weak heart. Strengthen me Avi. Everyday I am needing YOU like crazy! Everyday I just want to go home to YOU. I want YOU to come back for YOUR bride already. So I cling to YOU O GOD, I cling to YOU. Have mercy on me. Toda Raba for every Promise that is about to come to pass.

For YOU alone are GOD, El Shaddai, GREAT I AM, King Eternal over all the Universe. YOU alone deserve all the utmost love, devotion, adoration of YOUR creation. YOU alone!

Ba HaShem YESHUA HaMasiach, Amen! 



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