Shabbat: Shemini (Eighth) released on the 8th
22:42 29 Nissan 5781 2nd Watch
Count Yiska Counts: OMER the 14th of Sunday, the EIGHTH
There are 3 Parts to this Writing please be guided so that you won't be confused.
To Those studying the Hebraic Roots of our faith please try to read
the Shabbat Portions every Saturday for this what the Hebrews are
reading all over the World, there is wisdom in being connected with them
and following to the Jewish Readings because they were given the WORD
of GOD therefore we should not disconnect from them but learn from them
insights and Revelations.
It is critical that we be under their Covering because they are the Firstborn of the LORD YESHUA, MY HARI, GOD Almighty reigning in the Philippines! And we are all children under ONE GOD for behold Philippines the LORD YOUR GOD is ONE! FATHER SON HOLY SPIRIT is ALL IN ONE 1 John 5 pls pakli
Today's Shabbat Portion is called Shemini (Eighth)
SHEMINI (Eighth)
Shabbat Portion: Leviticus 9:1–11:47
Haftarah: 2 Samuel 6:1–7:17
New Covenant: Mark 9:1–13;
Acts 5:1-11; 10:1-35;
2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1;
Galatians 2:11-16;
1 Peter 1:14-16
This week’s Parasha study is Shemini (Shmini or Sh’mini), which means eighth.
“On the eighth [shemini] day Moses summoned Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel.” (Leviticus 9:1)
There is a Spiritual Significance in Numbers in the BIBLE. The number eighth means New Beginnings because 7 is GOD's number and is the symbol of Completion whereby GOD ELOHIM Created the World in 7 days and in the 7th day He rested, that is why Shabbat is the rest day ordained by GOD in HIS word, not a Sunday. If 7 is completion, 8 is a start of something new. Titchadesh!
Because the EIGHTH day is actually the Day after Shabbat which is Today! Happy EIGHTH!!!
The Highlight of this TORAH Portion is in Leviticus 10 and I will quote here the GREAT Book of Truth because it's important for you to feed it! Some of you don't want to pakli, you just want to keep scrolling so that's why you put me to more work hehehe
Leviticus 10:1-5
10 But Nadav and Avihu, sons of Aharon, each took his censer, put fire in it, laid incense on it, and offered unauthorized fire before Adonai, something he had not ordered them to do. 2 At this, fire came forth from the presence of Adonai and consumed them, so that they died in the presence of Adonai. 3 Moshe said to Aharon, “This is what Adonai said:
‘Through those who are near me I will be consecrated,
and before all the people I will be glorified.’”
Aharon kept silent.
4 Moshe called Misha’el and Eltzafan, sons of ‘Uzi’el Aharon’s uncle, and told them, “Come here, and carry your cousins away from in front of the sanctuary to a place outside the camp.” 5 They approached and carried them in their tunics out of the camp, as Moshe had said.
I love this Story because this emphasizes the HOLINESS of GOD that so many self confessed Christians don't know about because they have been taught in the Age of Grace that GOD is gracious, yes that's true my dearly beloved Saints, HE is gracious but HE is HOLY, let's not overweight on the Grace Scale because the GOD I serve is also JUST! We have to balance the Scale...or else we tip on the wrong side and be judged harshly just like the sons of Aaron who was killed by the FIRE of GOD's wrath instantly!!! You may think that this side of GOD is a bit harsh, but HE is not harsh my dear people, HE is not, HE is HOLY, so please have respect and reverence for the MOST HOLY GOD for HIS grace is sufficient but it's not to be abused so that HE is not mocked. As ministers of the TRUTH, we walk in a very thin line between being right and wrong, that thin line is YESHUA Himself, we just have to keep careful thought to our ways.
Haftarah Highlight: 2 Samuel 6:1-7:17
So when the sons of Aaron, the brother of Moshe, who were installed as new Priests for the people of Israel burned unauthorized fire before the living GOD the RUACH FIRE of GOD stroked them dead. Same thing happened with Uzzah in an instant he was smote dead by the HOLY GOD! WHY? It was unauthorized because GOD did not order them to do it.... Kung wala ka sugoa ayawg tuga tuga, this is basically what it means because if GOD did not send you to a specific battle you're gonna lose because it's not yours to fight! Okay? So this is the basic principle of the Story. Now we have to read the New Covenant Counterpart and this is how we balance things because GOD is just we cannot overemphasize one and despise the other or else we become unjust before the eyes of a JUST GOD.
Even Qur'an understands the concept of this Weighing scale:
THE MAIN POINT but please read the Book and Chapter:
Mark 9:1-11,47
Those standing in the RUACH FIRE will not taste death because they were called to stand for HIS Kingdom because they understand and revere the HOLINESS of GOD.
Acts 5:1-11
Ananias and Sapphira were also struck dead because they lied to the RUACH HAKODESH. For sometime now, GOD has been showing me someone within my circle who has been lying to us where RUACH FIRE dwells, I am fearful for their fate...
Acts 10
How GOD has chosen the Goyim to do the works of the KINGDOM of GOD because HIS Firstborn rejects their Messiah, it allowed Gentiles to have same standing with His Firstborn Yisrael with Messiah, but these Gentiles are not ordinary Gentiles, they are dogs under the table who respect the Firsborn of their Messiah YESHUA which is Israel. Read how they are filled with RUACH FIRE before they were even baptized in the RUACH Water because GOD has chosen to re order the orders...but still be in order...
2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1
Not to be yoked with Christians or Jews (Who do not believe in the Complete word of GOD, who omit the Word of GOD making others relevant and other irrelevant because it's like crucifying their GOD once again)
Galatians 2:11-16
The hypocrisy of those who have revealed knowledge of the Hebraic Roots of their Faith yet without love because they do not feed those who do not know for fear of being stoned. The messianic churches as well are like Peter in this concept because they do not follow the law of being a woman being veiled in 1 Corinthians 11
1 Peter 1:14-16
BE HOLY and be in the Likeness of YOUR HOLY FATHER in Heaven!
Now that we have balanced everything you can walk in the wholeness of HIS TRUTH and when YOU are walking in the wholeness of IT, power - the supernatural naturally flows... just be in the SHALOM!
I will
show you why I wasn't burned when I was burning Unauthorized FIRE before
GOD in the Story of Chapter 1 of My Sleeping Life: Part 2 - Confused Dreamer
What it's like to have Communion Night with the YU's
2 Worship Songs shall be posted April 11 because I actually missed the Worship because the KING let me talk to our helpers tonight regarding Supernatural Things and this is what our conversation went:
Conversation about the reality of Spirits
Praise Songs:
Word by Pastor Joseph Prince: Praying in Tongues
Closing Prayer, pray your heart, the LORD hears you Baby Sheep of GOD!
BISAYA #bisdak Pagkaon ug Inom ni HARING HESUS with Mama Dborah
You know in this Video, I wanted to laugh so hard at 11:35 minutes but I told the RUACH of GOD, please later later and I tried to hold HIS WILD laughter in because Newborn Karin was already reading the WORD but I should not have held back the RUACH of GOD so I say sorry to the RUACH WILD FIRE of GOD. This is how the Religious Spirit Operate, it don't allow the RUACH to be FREE!!! Because the RUACH is wild!!! Okay let her be!!! She is also known as SHEKINAH GLORY!!!
Princess War Diaries Entry 34
A written Account for 28 Nissan 5781 Shabbat Day
1st Watch - I come home from water baptism, birthing Newborns for the KINGDOM of ADONAI, Inday Karin and Tatay Predo. But I also went down under water (because I am the under dog of this Nation and I will go anywhere under whatever it takes to set captives of MY KING free) and got myself re-baptised, this time wearing FULL ARMOR OF ADONAI. The RUACH instructed me to give my beautiful blue dress to Newborn Karin, not knowing that what awaits me back at home was our seamstress excited to see me try the new skirt she beautifully made for me on... took a Picture of it and then Yaacov suddenly comes to me to behold what I am wearing, it's a sign, maybe it is complete, the ARMOR of GOD for Women.
2nd Watch - I fell asleep for an hour at the Tabernacle Couch... I thank the LORD for the success of yesterdays Agenda then we have communion at home with the Family and I feel so happy and satisfied with what's been happening. I went straight to the Tabernacle after the Family Communion. It was there that the LORD instructed me to do something new, it was already a Shabbat and I was not aware of it because the days are passing by so fast. So I start to make a Writing for everybody to read... and the first writing was the Letter before this, I created that on Erev Shabbat. This one I started writing on a Shabbat but I couldn't complete this writing because I have to wait for the Jewish Organization that I connect to that gives me the Shabbat Portion Writings. That's why I complete this writing only today because Philippines is ahead of Israel 5 or hours depends on the season.
3rd Watch - I fell asleep during this time because I was so tired....I had a dream but I wrote it all down on the next Watch.
4th Watch - What happened on 12-3AM 3rd Watch 28 Nissan
I fell asleep at the Tabernacle couch because I was just so tired... and I dreamt of the devil he said he was coming after me, my body felt the cold, and I awoke. I never been fearful when the KING started calling me to rise up. It's because GOD has given me a spirit of courage hope faith and love... but I still feel cold, that Spirit of fear, so I dance my war dances for a very brief moment like I've been doing so for so many nights, just for a while not even 2 minutes and I fall on my knees for I know that on my knees THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is strong to deliver me. 2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. But then my hairs on my body stood all the more, as I continue to pray my prayer became the tongues of fire, and then I stand up turn around facing the other direction and use my SWORDS! Suddenly the LION within me rises up once again, and rebukes uttering curses to the already condemned in a language I don't understand at all and sends these unseen beasts to the bottomless pit of Abyss - these ugly beasts illegally roaming the earth... If only every child of GOD know from within them that demons and fallen angels have No legal rights to be on the earth no right to be here at all!!! Then whatever fear they may have, they can easily shake off and overcome because the RUACH is stronger than any devil in town... the RUACH, you need to have HIM, the RUACH let HIM burn within you! HE is no longer the white dove!!! When HE comes in power HE is THE FIREY PHOENIX!!!!! The IBON ADARNA that helped Don Juan get to His glorious destiny on earth, it wasn't a myth... that story was true like all the other "myths" or tales that are as old as time because if it wasn't true why would people still be talking about it? Even Witches know and understand that the Firey Phoenix is their most dangerous enemy inside the Armies of the Living GOD
6th Watch 11:12 6th Watch, 28 Nissan 5781
#shabbatshalom #armors
I have been seeking and seeking about these Armors as Pastor Joseph Prince continue to talk about it on his sermons... because Pastor Joseph said last night that there are 7 armors... not 6 so I count
1) Helmet - Head Covering or Crown/Turban of Salvation
2) Breastplate - Philippine Stones - Guard your heart
3) Shield - White Undergarments of FAITH -Tunic
4) Belt - Sash of Truth - no log of offense that will blind you
6) Shoes - Bare Foot - depends where you are -
7) Double Edged Sword - Tongues of Fire - Incense of Prayers that's why GOD made two scrolls and two tablets for me!
But for High Priest EPHOD - it should be yellow! Yaaaaay! Look Yisrael!!! Is it okay na??? Nyahahahhaah! #filipinostyle
Coz I love My OWN!!!! #Kagitingan2021
Then I post even more things about the RUACH and The KING has transformed from YESHUA to Lion, from Christine to Yiska, donkey to horse, then the RUACH from Dove to Firey Phoenix!
And I post about the secrets of the VEIL or Chapter 5 of My LIFE and what the Letters I have written of the things that I have seen during the Jubilee Year of Jerusalem.
Please go to Chapter 5 of Yiska: The Awakening of the BRIDE before you make any judgements
THE KING says, Do not judge what you do not understand because you do not know..
7th Watch - I take my lunch during this time but the KING ordered me to do My War dances for Yisrael and the Goyim who have been searching for the TRUTH and what is real. I dance the songs of the KING for them because MUSIC is the universal language of our Souls. And I love it when My KING sings to them the songs of the World because they can connect to it but the lyrics are so HEAD ON "TUKMA" And I will post it here:
After that trick MY MASTER YESHUA then give me to feed may good things Yay!!!!
2.42 28 Nissan 5781
The KING said it's time... to watch Dark Phoenix - Ibon Adarna of the Philippines because somewhere there I will understand more... this RUACH FIRE inside me... this untameable tongue that makes me curse and kill all demons on earth! Just like My Tatay Digong ba, he is cursing rebellious beasts too! nyahahahahahahaha!!! DIE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!
Oops sorry religious spirit... you're gonna die too!
Coz GOD already damned you with HIS woes when My KING walked the earth
coz you killed HIM and now it's time for me to kill youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!! REVENGE!!! For all HIS enemies revengeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Are you GOD's enemy? so why are you offended by my cursing??? maybe there's still some snake
hiding inside you?! hmmmmm?? GET RID OF IT!!!
or else I will!
In this movie HARI YESHUA said I am Jane because I let dark phoenix live inside me, but I want you to become Jane like me too so together we can eat ravenous wolves and snakes and scorpions!
They are very yummy! Beteavon/Livaya to us!!! Lami kaau!!!
And I was gonna watch the Dark Phoenix but the KING let me do something first:
#princessdiaries #rulesofwar So when 15:00 came I want to watch dark phoenix already but Commander KING reminded me to wash Yaacov because he poop again in the Palace upstairs! At least PapaKing wasn't angry with me anymore, so I wash him because Prince David said he had poop sticking on his fur! So before I wash, I put my ephod at the Tabernacle because I don't want my ephod to be dirty, and take out my blue skirt so what remains is the underpants, then take him out to wash but what happened was I take off my cap in the laundry area so I can see more, I don't know why I did it, when I was trained to always put it on, anyway, then as I take off my cap and hang it somewhere, the cap fell from the hanger and right into the dirty mud! Of all the places, evil want to always dirty my head covering so I can't use it anymore, but I have many many head covering, so he can do whatever and I just wash wash wash some more! Then I try to get Cobe because he did not come to laundry area, but before I go, I ask Karin the newborn baby to get my cap from yesterday that went down under the pool during her Baptism and I wear it before I go to get Cobe, and I call him and he follow me to the laundry area, now with new cap on I began to wash wash him then the KING have many messages for me to post again, so I just record everything so that it will be understandable.
Definition of terms:
Muta - Morning Glory - Speck - Log - Offenses/Hurts cause us to be blinded, because of our biases!
But I clean ze log don't worry
Bullshit - LIES! FAKE! NOT TRUE!
DIG - ask, seek, knock Scripture Reference: Matthew 7
Matthew 7:1-5 About the Muta/Log/Speck
Matthew 7:6 The dogs who are not under the table because they want to be on top of table - WRONG! bad dogie bad dogie, get down! this is the dog that will tear me to pieces, but if they try, I will announce it in this wall so that the world will know they are pharisee after all nyahahahaha true blackmail! I love it My HARI!
Matthew 7:7-12 If you don't understand just keep digging like a good under doggie like Ze Hofer me Matthew 7:13-14 YESHUA is the only way to follow but we miss HIS way because we want to make our own
Matthew 7: 15-20 Those who hate me, yes they are false prophet The pharisee in you will crucify the CHRIST in me.. The dyesebel in you will hate the Elijah in me... esep esep
Matthew 7:21-23 We think we can enter Heaven because we play religion bullshit! even the world will see that hypocrisy that's why they never stay in your religion, they keep leaving.
Matthew 7:24-29 You want to be wise? Do it like me, be underdogie, keep digging for bone, treasure, keep humble, keep open, keep say YES to HARI, be submissive to the KING and desire RUACH FIRE oki???
I receive the Shabbat messages of My KING from Yisrael, finally the dog can feed more revelations through HIS Scroll given by the Firstborn sons of Yisrael. That's why I can't finish on the day of Shabbat because Philippines is always ahead of Israel time by 5 hours, sometimes 6...
So I receive the Message from Free Messinaic Bible the TORAH PORTION and I include the Brit Chadashah suggested readings from Complete Jewish Bible by David Stern.
And I receive from my Rabbi from Jerusalem his weekly teaching from ON HIGH:
Through this RHEMA Words the RUACH lead me to post "THE BALANCE" of the Weighing Scale or HIS Central message to all the Remnant Royal Children of YHVH, the burning flames of HIS love for us, and that HE cannot dwell in a home that's occupied by other demons, FIRE, BURNING BUSH, SHEKINAH GLORY - Pillar of FIRE by NIGHT, CLOUD by DAY, HIS JEALOUS LOVE FOR all humanity!!! And this is the ALIVE WORDS RHEMA that sums it all for this SHABBAT DAY:The SUMMARY OF THE WRITINGS OF MY WALL, THE CENTRAL MESSAGE IS HERE:
And HARI YESHUA is looking for more WHITE HORSES for HIS ARMY!!!
Hailing from the Zion of the Philippines sending messages to the Zion, Yerushalayim and to the Four Corners of the WORLD, HE is gathering HIS REMNANTS for the GREAT BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON!
Truthfully yours,
Yiska, Cebuana Padala sa AMAHAN ug HARI
D'borah, ang Watchdog Ng Bayan,
"I watch you" Ezekiel 33
Knights of HARI YESHUA
Katipunan sa Kabalyero Ni Kristo - Ressurrected by HARI HESUS
Look who's back it's the underdog
Dogs under the table
Matthew 15:21-28;
Mark 7:24-30
The licking dogs in Luke 16:19-31
I heal you with my kisses Lazarus, Come alive sweet child of mine!!! Arise!!! Come Out!
John 11
YESHUA YOUR KING is calling you!!!!!!
Come out! Come out! Come out of Babylon! Come Out!!!
Covered by the following Priests:
Dennis Yu - My earthly father, Sugbo
Tatay Cez - Watchman Priest of the Philippines, Luzon
Pastor Lando & Pastor Jonah - Sugbo Priest, Visayas
Rev. Carlos - Priest in Zamboanga, Mindanao
"For the love of the Fathers in my Motherland"
"For the love of My ABBA FATHER in Heaven"
"For the love of YESHUA, HaMashiach, HARI ng Bayanihang Pilipino and HIS beloved Philippines"
Please be a child again and become a Horse!!!
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