The HOLY Days of Iyar - Entry 4

Event: The day leading to the slaughter of the UNGO from Sugbo
And I will tell you why it's very important, very very important for all warriors to wear the FULL armor of GOD. Ok here I show you why. I was gonna post this the day I killed the Ungo from Sugbo. But Commander KING told me no, not to do it on facebook. 

I didn't wear the proper armors that day because the RUACH didn't let tell me. I thought it was okay to have one single clothing under, but Shekinah say no! But it was also the same Night I made the dance video of my Moslem family to symbolize that no matter how they cover up their women, the problem was not with them but with the men with depraved minds and sexual appetites.
In the picture below, I just wore one garment down, it has to be doubled if we follow the full Armor of GOD according to Exodus 28 it has to be doubled. And the headband I wore under the veil was misplaced at the back of my head, it has to be double head gear, double up and double down.
Okay so I show you here exactly what I wore that was incomplete when I took a photo of it the day I slaughtered the Ungo, I saw something that I never even saw before. The day I slaughtered the Ungo from Sugbo and I saw this picture I saw that I was a beautiful woman.
I never seen myself like this before. And the KING told me that if I posted this, the demon possessed maniacs will masterbate on it. 
And I became even more furious as the KING continued to tell me, that the reason why the Moslem women have to cover everything up from head, neck, portion of their face to every inch of their skin is because the men of Islam had become so depraved sexual addicts and maniacs that even to have 10 wives is not enough anymore, that's why they have gay mistress as their concubines and I know this for a fact because some of my brothers from church before they went to work overseas in the Islam Nations and they said they need to put beard on their faces or else they will be raped by the hideous monstrous men in their place!!! So after the KING told me this TRUTH my head was blazing with the RUACH FIRE, the wild PHOENIX burned so much fire in my head I striked the snake serpent Ungo from Sugbo so many times until I could not feel the fire burning in my head anymore.
Wow! I was a maniac killer that day! I hated that Ungo even more for becoming like the Akhmeds who would die for 7000 virgins in the afterlife because they are deceived by stupid lies from Satan himself!!! The day before I slaughtered the Witch it was a Thursday and I was in Mandaue Watchtower roving our territories when I saw one of the drivers whose name was Dexer and talked to him asked how he was doing, where he went to church because he was with this Ungo before and I was so surprised to know that he was still going to the Ungo church and was so insulted because the first thing he commented about me was my weight and he said "Minyo naka mam noh? kai ning niwang man kag maayo?" (Are you married because you have lost weight?) WOW!!! I never been so disrespected when he told me that! Is sex the only thing that makes a woman lose weight?! For heaven's sake, this guy was as malicious and dirty minded as his father the Ungo because he had malicious and dirty thoughts about me losing weight and I was wearing that same black clothing when I slaughtered the Ungo the very next day. So I told this guy "No I have been fasting since February and it started with JESUS Reigns" and he was embarrassed to find out the TRUTH. So the reason why Dexter commented on my clothing is because I didn't do the double down. And when you don't do it, it's like they can see through your body already because maniacs are like that, they undress you with their evil thoughts even though you are not even showing any skin, but to be fully clothed is not enough! That's why I believe all the more with the convictions that the LORD had given me to do the double up and double down, because of my experience. I was angry when Dexter gave me those stupid remarks, at least he could have respected me because I was his boss but the Ungo had been spreading lies to their church that I was the one who liked him and this lie is the funiest to the people I tell it to, because honestly, I would not even look at the Filipino men who are pursuing me in the Philippines how much more if the man was married and ugly to begin with?! But sadly, his wife believes his lies because he really was a snake! And let me tell you the truth about my heart's desires, I'm not afraid to say it because it's always been the TRUTH of my heart: I wanted to marry a foreign guy, it's just always been what I wanted ever since I was 15 years old! I wrote it in my diary, and it cannot be erased and when the LORD told me 10 years ago that HE was giving me a Jewish guy, I gladly accepted it because it was still within my hearts desire marrying someone of a different race. But what this Ungo Pastor did to me was more add insult to my dignity. He totally destroyed the honor and dignity of my womanhood, my heart to love only one man - my husband and to never covet someone else's husband. I lived and breathed by these commandments, I did not struggle with it. The only commandments I struggled with was honoring my parents because of my hurts from them. Also I struggled with the command to not murder thy neighbor because I struggled with anger, unforgiveness and bitterness and with the NEW COVENANT, the standards of KING JESUS were higher because murder started with our hateful thoughts not even if we actually committed it. Other than that I upheld the Commands of my GOD with all my heart. Envy was a word I only learned from my sistah Charmaine because I had so much troubles in Church some 10 years ago and I didn't understand why people were hating me so much for believing the Voice of GOD and she was the very first person who told me simply envy, they envy you. And I said what? Why? I'm nothing, but she told me I was something they were not, she made me see why people envied me and that never even crossed my mind, why would they envy me because I had rich parents? I never envied my best friends who were richer than my family, why would people envy? So this Ungo Pastor not only insulted my dignity but damaged my reputation and the pride of my womanhood. But I didn't cry out to GOD last year because of how he ruined my honor and glory as a woman. I cried because of the many people I tried to win for CHRIST with him, but all of them I couldn't bring them to KING JESUS because I was beside a man possessed by the devil. The Pastor Ungo was worse than Antonio and worse than Akhmed because at least Antonio and Akhmed they don't know the TRUTH, but the Ungo Pastor he taught it to people but he was the hypocrite and you know this year, after the KING has revealed to me who he is, I have come to conclude that he really is a servant of the devil just pretending to be a christian pastor to devour GOD's people. I had already written down the final verdict of the GREAT KING and JUDGE JESUS regarding this Ungo Pastor since last year. But I didn't know that this year, it was going to be official. For little did I know that the day of the LORD would have come so suddenly the very next day in the same location in Mandaue, where the Ungo lived and still was deceiving the people of Mandaue because he still holds a church at Paknaan. I didn't even plan to go to Paknaan. I wanted to give Yaacov a haircut and I thought the dog groomer was still in JCentre but they transferred to the Insular Square of Paknaan. And as I got there, I wondered why the KING brought me so far to that place when there were hundreds of groomers near me but there was a reason and the reason was to slaughter a still breathing deceiving, maniac, Ungo from Sugbo! You know this pastor came from Bohol where there used to live a big black serpent and had recently died. Who would have known that the serpent transfered to Cebu and almost killed me with his "priestly" lies. HE has mocked my KING and GOD and GOD's grace went time up for abusive, lying, evil, wicked heathens like him. 
The day of the LORD had finally come and what honor it was for me to do the KILLING!!!

I praise ADONAI for saving me from such hideous ugly giant monsters every time, again and again HE is always saving me.... what an amazing and wonderful GOD HE is!!! Toda Raba Adonai!
Time for another song and this one from The Script totally describes who I AM today, thank you for writing this The Script!!! I felt so useful and purposeful today because if I could save one girl from being raped by this hideous demon possessed beast, I would gladly do the honors and cut off all the dicks of all the maniacs in my Sugbo town. Circumcised with one blow! #patay




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